Idling Mode - traffic spirit

Integral Mode:Registration user could be idle on Spirit to get points,then exchange balance in order to get memeber service and also transfered
to another account in order to trade between users.
Colocation Mode:Member user can colocate traffic in order to allocate software traffic inthe member center.It's convenient for user to manage
more idling clients.
1, --gj-name="id" id is account.It starts to be idling under integral mode after software run.for example:ipts.exe --gj-name=""
2, --gj-type=m m is type of idling mode,it's points when m=0,it's traffic when m=1
3, --gj-speed=n n is speed value,range is 1~3,3 is fastest.for example:ipts.exe --gj-speed=3
4, --cache-path="cpath" cpath is cache directory.for example:ipts.exe --cache-path=“c:\temp”
5, --cache-type=ctype ctype is cache type,=0 disk cache(low bandwidth usage),=1 memory cache(low disc read-write,it is enabled if memory
was bigger than 1G).for example:ipts.exe --cache-type=0
6, --cache-size=csize csize is max cache value(range of unit M is 256~2000M),it works if --cache-type=0,it will allocates memory cache
automatically if --cache-type=1.for example(max cache value is 512M):ipts.exe --cache-size=512

Example1:ipts.exe --gj-name="" --gj-type=0 --gj-speend=3
Example2:ipts.exe --gj-name="" --gj-type=1 --gj-speend=3 -cache-path="e:\temp" --cache-type=0 --cache-size=512
Example3:ipts.exe --gj-name="" --gj-type=0 --gj-speend=3 --cache-type=1
FAQ:What's abnormal behavior,how to deal with the behavior?
The following acts are illegal hang up
1, the use of cheating means hang up
2, the use of unofficial crack version of the wizard hang up
3, in unauthorized unauthorized computer installation of the wizard to hang up the wizard;

In violation of the handling method:
1, warning: in a period of time to prohibit hang up and use points related operations
2, the title: permanent closure of user accounts, clear the relevant data
3, the responsibility: the official will assist the relevant departments to investigate the responsibility of illegal users hang up
Idling Mode - traffic spirit Idling Mode - traffic spirit Reviewed by DOAN TRI on October 02, 2017 Rating: 5

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